Tuesday, January 15, 2019

July Long weekend in Hakone (Part 2)

Image result for hakone open air museum
The Hakone Open air museum is a huge outdoors art exhibition in the Hakone Area. It also has an indoor hall dedicated to Picasso, mostly his drawings.
At the bottom of the blog is a link to larger versions of the photos, some of them really should be enlarged to enjoy them. 

Theses two statues are right at the entrance to the museum, and both very dramatic in their own way.

The sculpture of the head below has hair of living plants. It was interesting to see the little spiders nesting and crawling around.

And being Japan, of course there needs to be a Koi pond. They really are all over the place, and the fish can get very large.

What this is, I don't have the faintest idea, but it looked interesting....

The kids had good fun with this one: The little pathway dead-ends against a wall, where it has been painted to look as if it goes further. Really well done.                                                                                                                                                         Speaking of kids, the next three photos are of a kids specific attraction. The kids can chatter and climb (once they're inside!!) to their heart's content, or swing on the balls.

I don't know what the meaning of this sculpture is, but it was definitely captivating, and something completely different from each angle that you looked at.

Oh, and a little something to remind us of home.... This was a massive statue, equally massively proportioned.
As I mentioned, that kept us busy for the whole day, so if you are visiting Hakone, do not think that you will get away with a quick visit to the open air museum - It doesn't work that way.